Wednesday, November 5, 2008

So I finally did it! For months people have been talking about their blogs and I haven't had much interest in taking part, but since Carson has gotten older and more and more friends of mine have blogs I figured it was time.
Here's a little update on what our family has been up to. Russell and I were married on September 23rd, 2005. We had our first child, a boy named Carson David Birdsall December 18th last year. He was born exactly on his due date, on time little stinker. I would have preferred earlier! He has been the greatest joy in our lives and we haven't been the same since. He currently is trying to figure out how to walk so once he starts doing that we'll never get a break. He's been a very good baby for the most part just really active, but still loves to cuddle, very opinionated but still good natured.
My husband Russ, has been going to school at Cleveland Chiropractic College for 2 years in January and will be getting his bachelors in Science at that time too. He has been doing an accelerated undergrad program because he's not getting any younger and wanted to get school done with faster. He will be starting the doctor program which is a four year program in January as well. All in all, when he's done with school we will be in HUGE debt but we know it will be worth it when he's done.
At current time we have been living with Russ's parents for a little over a year now. It has had it's ups and downs but we are definitely feeling the need to be on our own again and be our own little family. We are hoping to get into some subsidized townhomes in the next month so we'll see how that all works out and I'm sure I'll be letting you all know as well! I think that's sums up our life for now. Hope all is going well for everyone!


Chelsea said...

yay!!!!! i am SO glad you have a blog! and you have more stuff than me. i haven't figured out the whole blog list yet. can't wait to see more pics of carson!

Stephanie H. said...

Yay for blogs! I'm glad I'll be able to keep up on your life now :)

Nikki said...

Woo Hoo! I love blogging!

The Rich Family said...

Hey Audrey! I'm so happy you have a blog now!! I knew it would only be a matter of time once I had gotten mine going. You have such an adorable little monkey! I cant wait to see you guys! Its less than 2 months away now!!! Yea!