So a lot has happened since I last was on here and I can't believe how bad I've been. I just completely forgot about my blog for a long while! Anyways since my last update we have moved into a town home in Lenexa which we are happy about, we had a family reunion on my mom's side along with my sister Stacey's wedding the end of June, I've been working at the dentist office that I used to work at before I had Carson but will be done with that next week, I've decided to go back to college to finish my degree so I will be starting that online in a couple weeks, my sister-in-law got married mid August and my husband almost got kicked out of Chiropractic college because one professor was a huge jerk. I think that about sums it up. So it's been an interesting summer in case you can't tell! I've attach a few recent pictures from my sister-in-law's wedding above to show you how grown up Carson has gotten. He's such a fun age right now!
Oh yeah and one more thing I have started this google adsense thing to try and make some money so you will notice that my page now has a search engine sponsored by google. From my understanding of this thing I'm doing if people use my search engine to look at anything and click on ads posted by google at the top of the page ( you don't have to buy just click and get out) I make a little bit of money off of it so feel free to use it because heaven knows I need the mula! Oh yeah and one more thing if you could spread the word to people about the search engine it would really help me out. All they need to do to use it is my web address Thanks guys!